Hello My Daisy List readers,

Recently I experienced a small SPEED BUMP or Hazard concerning my health and I feel the need to share for reasons you will understand later.

Ever since TAZ, I’ve tried to adopt new habits regarding nutrition, weight, exercise, and total wellness.  So I committed myself to daily walks, watch my diet, joined a Yoga class and got plenty of sleep.  Some of my new habits worked, and some didn’t.

Although I was making strides toward a healthier diet, I knew I had a long way to go. Salt and sugar were still winning the battle and calories were still piling on. 

 March 2019, I got a health wake-up call, or “thump on the head” as my girlfriend likes to call it.

As I trotted out to do my regular 2 mile walk, with-in minutes my heart was thumping.  Boom, boom, boom.  I think they call them palpitations right?  WOW!

I stopped a minute to give my heart a chance to catch up but it wasn’t having it.  These palpitations were speaking a brand new language and it said

“get your butt home and think about the crap you’ve been

stuffing in your mouth.”

Once I got home, and rested for a while, I attempted to climb the stairs and YUP, there was that new language again.  BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!  My heart was racing but at the same time I could barely breathe.         

After being justifiably freighted out of my wits,

I drove myself to the local hospital ER.

But this is the part of the story I need all of my readers to PAY ATTENTION to.

Once admitted to the emergency room, I made some vows, they sounded like this. 

Diane, from now on, every time you see a salt shaker, “don’t” pick it up.  Every time you eat out, (which is often) DO NOT eat the bread, “don’t” order the mashed potatoes, say no to soy sauce for the Chinese food, skip the fries with the burger. 

Every time you go to the Super market “don’t” buy the Pringles or chips, stay away from the pastry and ice cream.  Cut out most of the Italian food like the pizza and the huge portions of pasta fit for a marathon runner.

Just follow these few rules and exercise and life will be Good!

Those were the promises I was making while I was watching all the bizarre scenes unfolding in that Emergency room.  Sights, sounds, and scenes you never want to see again.

The smoker that can’t speak, the diabetic that can’t walk, the heart attack victim that can’t breathe, the senior citizen crying in pain.  It was straight out of a sci-fi horror key stone cops movie. 

I had such a strong urge to run out of there, but I was hooked up to an IV (image that) so I had to stay put.

But that night, I was one of the lucky ones, after at least 10 to 12 various different tests, they determined my heart was good, and they let me go home. 

They found nothing wrong with the heart, but if it wasn’t my heart, what the heck was going on?  I went home convinced it was simply a problem with my weight.


Oh boy did I make promises!  I had a complete full list of the things that would NEVER EVER see the light of day in my kitchen ever again.

Chips, pasta, bread, ice cream the list was so long, by the time I went to the store, I bought eggs, spinach, broccoli, and cabbage.

This was going to be my new Life.  Since TAZ, I had hit yet another health speed bump and got another “thump on the head.” 

But that was okay, because now that I was back on the road to recovery, I was determined never to see the inside of an ER room EVER AGAIN!!!

Loose the weight, do the exercises, follow the rules and life would be wonderful Again!!! Oh REALLY?

Yea, right!!

That was March 2019.  See you in a month.  Keep reading!!

4 Replies to “SPEED BUMPS and other HAZARDS”

  1. Keep up the good work, Mom. You have a lot of cheerleaders… Be the inspiration.. Be the difference.

  2. Diane, As you know I have battled with my weight for YEARS, Only to win a few battles but never the war. Until recently. I am blessed to listen to the wisdom around me. Our cousin Robyn and my cousin David have been the angels on my recentjourney of weight loss. They both knew i had joined WW, a nurtiously smart and healthy program and had no sucess. It worked …if you worked it. The problem is I couldn’t work it. I had tried for 4 years without anything lost but my self respect. I finally listened to Robyn about intermitten fasting. My cousin David sent me a video at the same time and it was a sign. I watched the video and decided to give it a try. I started on march 1st and by March 7th I had lost 11 lbs. Today is June 17th. My total weight loss is 33 lbs. I have NEVER ENJOYED LOSING WEIGHT BEFORE. I eat everything and anything I want within reason. I eat health fats and small portions but I fast with nothing but water inbetween. Now understand , I have had two post graduate courses in nutrition years ago and this was against everything I had learned. I am so happy I decided to go this route. I will always eat like this. I am so lessed to find what works for me. I swear, One size doesn’t fir all in life and this eating plan works tremendously for me. I take my vitamins and have never been happier. It took an adjustment the first week but now it is easy. Watch these and you will get an idea of what I am doing. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jXXGxoNFag4, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n3dwizlGaRI

  3. Sorry, I posted the last comment without editing. I was just so excited to share all of this with you I just hit post comment. Thanks for having this forum which allows us to share.

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