Hello My Happy Daisy List readers,

Well hooray, hooray, hooray, I feel as though I’ve just been vindicated in my process to eliminate the term “bucket list” and replace it with the concept of a Daisy List.

I was recently reading an article by Kathleen Peartree, I believe she’s a travel writer, and she was discussing why a travel Bucket List might not be such a good idea.  I think she made some really good points.

In theory I agree with some of the reasons she gave, and I’ll share my thoughts on a few.

From the very beginning of my Blog, I’ve explained why I disliked the term bucket list and replaced it with Daisy List.  I felt “kick the bucket” had such a Debbie Downer tone.  And for those of you who know me, I like to live in CARE BEAR land, even while I was going through my whole TAZ journey.  I “ALWAYS” wanted to look at things from the sunny bright side.  JUST MY NATURE!

As I’ll explain in a later post, I’m a strong believer in the POWER of words and how to use them.

In Kathleen’s article, she was citing why she felt a travel “bucket list” might create too much pressure, and I agree.  But to me, the easy solution might be to just change the name from bucket list to Daisy List, and you change the vibration.  At least that’s how I adjusted it for me.

I believe she had about 15 reasons, but here are some of the ones that caught my attention.

1)  You might miss out on other experiences if you only focus on the things you want to do before you “kick the bucket”.

 Your Daisy List should contain things you want to do this week, this month, this year, whenever, not some far off distant future.  A Daisy List is meant to add today, revise tomorrow and delete every day of your life, that way you don’t have to miss anything.

2)   Many times something might be unrealistic

 The unrealistic ones are usually the biggest Dreams in your heart.  By all means put it on your Daisy List.  In my world, “all things are possible”. DREAM your biggest dream and Go for it!

3)  You might be less inclined to be spontaneous

 If you see something you want to do today, this minute, than just “do it” and add it to your Daisy List after the fact.

4)  High expectations can lead to disappointment

 Your Daisy List should have a full spectrum of things, big, small, out of the box, inside your box, or around the world. They should only be meaningful to you.  You can’t be disappointed in simply striving for a “perfect cup of coffee” each day!

5)  Less likely to appreciate what you’ve already done

 Some of the things on my Daisy List happened well “before” I knew I had a Daisy List.  Now when I go back and look at some of the things I’ve done in the past I just add them to my current Daisy List.  It always gives me a complete new sense of “GRATITUDE”.

6)  Bucket lists make you anxious about getting older

 EVERYDAY I’m so busy with my life, trying to push my song out of me, I’ve had no time to think about getting older.

So in general I agree with Kathleen Peartree, however I just put my Daisy List slant on it, and look at things from another direction.


If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Dr. Wayne Dyer

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