Can a Daisy List get you a GOLD MEDAL?

Can an 11 year old CHANGE the WORLD?

Do Olympic athletes have DAISY LISTS?


Well, they might not call it that, but believe me, they have Dream Boards, Vision Boards, Inspiration Boards, and they have Lists!

Pick your favorite athlete, doesn’t matter what sport, or gender or age or ethnic group.

For the ones that reach the top of their game, you can believe their Journey started with a DREAM.

Doesn’t matter what the motivator was, or when it happened, something popped into their mind at some point that made them think, “I can do that, I want to do that!”  That’s how so many legends begin.

They saw something, heard something, read something.  Something hit a nerve and motivated them to start that Journey onto their Best Life.  Something led them to their Passion and Purpose.

After that thought came the step by step building.  Where? What? How? When?

Where should I start?  What do I need to do?  When should I do it?  How do I get there?

Then guess what my Daisy List readers, they made a LIST!  Yea, that’s right a list.  Maybe they didn’t call it a Daisy List, and that’s okay.  As a matter of fact, that’s the point I want to make here.  Call it whatever you like, (except bucket list) of course.  Just make a LIST!

They defined some goals, small goals, then big goals.  They began to put into motion the things they needed to do to get to the PRIZE.  Then they saw the finish line or the completion or fruition of that DREAM.  They saw it in their subconscious mind and then the conscious mind.

But the most difficult part of the Journey may well be sitting down with pen and paper and transferring that DREAM or VISION into WORDS & IMAGES!

“The journey of a thousand miles or a million miles all starts with a single step.”

 If you can’t take that first step and transfer your DREAMS onto a single piece of paper with words, you are definitely at a disadvantage for Living your BEST Life now.

Collect some WORDS & IMAGES that tell your story or what you want your story to be.  Put them in a notebook, put them on a board, stick them in your pocket, put them on your computer, just make sure you look at them EVERYDAY!


As well as the Olympics, I need to acknowledge the celebration of Black History Month.  I’d like to share with you someone I look to for inspiration.

I recently read a story about a young girl that personifies exactly what I’m talking about.  At 11 years old in the sixth grade, something struck a nerve in her and she found her passion and purpose and she did something about it.  Yea, you heard me, ELEVEN in the sixth grade.

Her story is so profound, no way could I cover it all here, but if you need any Inspiration, I STRONGLY, recommend you Google her.  Her name is Marley Dias, and the name of her book which should be available in the Spring, is: Marley Dias gets it DONE .  Her DREAM resulted in a rewarding humanitarian effort for herself and thousands and thousands of girls and WOMAN!

I’m always looking for stories about young people that become role models, and Marley certainly falls in that category for me.  She’s definitely a ROLE MODEL for me.  I LOVE her story.

If her story doesn’t inspire you to start a list, then find someone else that does.  Google any one of the Olympic athletes, see where they began.  You may not get a GOLD medal for pursuing a DREAM, but the results could be just as rewarding or even more.

So find some role models, make some lists, express some DREAMS, and start Living your “BEST Life NOW!”

Get on the train, join the Journey and make a difference in your life and the life of others.

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