Hello my Daisy List readers

Recently I read another article in the Telegraph Travel that again confirms my sentiments about the term Bucket List.  The article was written by a UK travel writer named Greg Dickinson.

A few months ago, I wrote a Post titled “Is a Bucket List a Downer?” written by Kathleen Peartree.  Check it out.

Now, Greg Dickinson has provided even more information indicating how the term “Bucket List” might impact our well-being.  WOW!

I found the piece on the Internet, titled “the travel trend to avoid before you die – how the “bucket list” is ruining the world” which appeared in the Telegraph Travel’s publication on 2-20-18.

Mr Dickinson says the phrase itself is only 11 years old and was only entered into the Oxford English Dictionary after the release of the 2007 film The Bucket List starring Morgan Freeman & Jack Nicholson.

Google Telegraph Travel’s bucket list and you can read the complete article.

Anyway, as you already know, I’ve NEVER been a fan of the term bucket list” To me, that term immediately conjures up thoughts of getting ready for “DEATH” which doesn’t always bring forth the most pleasant images.

For many people, the term ‘bucket list” is attached to travel. However, according to Mr. Dickinson, the whole list idea may have begun back 1940 by a man named John Goddard who compiled a “life list” with 127 things he wanted to do “before” he died.  Some of those things included near-death experiences, thus he became known as the “Real Life Indiana Jones.”

Now I have no desire to put any “near death” experiences on my Daisy List and I would venture to guess many people don’t.  However I wouldn’t mind adding a little bit of some serious adventure items.

So take a minute and think about some adventurous things you might like to include on your Daisy List and Dream Board.  Remember what I said in Post 08, the “Dream Board Experience”, no rules, no restrictions, no guilt, no limitations.

Think way, way out of the box, this is a Power Journey, remember?

In reference to the Bucket List, it feels good to be in tune with like-minded people across the pond such as Mr. Dickinson and also Kathleen Peartree, from the states, and many others all over the world.

I can only imagine what Indiana Jones’ Dream board looked like.

For some of us, adventure could just mean stepping a little bit out of our comfort zone, but not necessarily jumping out of airplanes. (not on my list!)

To LIVE or merely exist, only our ADVENTURES determine the difference!



  1. Because if you and the daisy list I have a whole new outlook on what I want to do for the rest if my life!

  2. Funny, whenever people say the words “Bucket List”, I always respond with….. Daisy List. I love the words and the meaning and so do others…it easily turns the conversation around, doesnt it?

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