Light Bulbs Popping Post 2

lightbulb image“Light Bulbs Popping”                                 Post 2

Early on, one of the most profound experiences I had was telling my hairdresser about my Journey with TAZ.  Earlier in the year, she had sponsored me for a business network.  When I had to temporarily bow out, I didn’t explain why to the organization, but I felt I had to tell her.  I actually told her before my own family.

All I knew then was that I had precancerous cells and I had to have a hysterectomy.  The day I told her, she never missed a beat.  The first thing she said was, “well, it just means something wonderful and grand and terrific was going to happen once I pulled through.  And she affirmed “You will pull through”.  She was just the right measure of upbeat to make me believe it myself.


Melanie Dare & her family

In that moment, a “THOUSAND” watt light bulb went off in my mind, and it has NEVER gone out.

 This is my hairdresser.  The name of her shop is Salon Dare in Hillsborough NJ

 I don’t think I have to tell you the type person she is, you can just look at her and know.  Beautiful inside and out.

 She has been my hairdresser for at least the last 10 years.  She is one of the most sincere generous and kind people I know.  She’s one of those Angels that brings that unexpected sunshine into a dark hole that lifts you up.

 I can’t explain it, but by the time I left the salon and was back in my car, I was almost singing out loud.  I didn’t put it together at that time, but from that point on I kept hearing things like,

“ through him all things are possible” and “you will pull through” and each time I repeated them I instantly felt better.

Since then, my new mantra is

“Through him all things are possible!”

Prior to TAZ, I had always been preoccupied with defining my “purpose” in life.  For a while, I just knew it was “DAY DREAMS IN FOCUS”.  Then once I found out about TAZ, I started to doubt that.

Now I wondered if I would be able to pursue the same things post surgery?  Would I be able to pick up the pieces and push forward.  Would I be able to run a business, big or small, and give workshops and mentor people?  How would I be able to counsel people to pursue and follow theirs DREAMS when mine were going off the rails.

I had so many questions for God, but I never asked “WHY me?”

However, I did keep asking, HOW did this happen?  WHAT did it mean?

Here I had just reached a breakthrough point of launching a new business, doing the work I thought God had planned for me to do.  In fact when I gave a workshop and I looked at the attendees’ faces, I knew that that was what I was meant to do.  Not only was the feedback awesome, but I enjoyed helping people so much.  So what was this monkey wrench all about?

Then, while talking with another friend of mine, she said, “Diane, you do know that when you’re doing the right thing and enjoying it, then the devil, (aka TAZ,) will find a way to derail you”.

Ping, another light bulb went off.  I thought “ok, so maybe that’s what this is all about, I’m being tested”?  These “light bulb aha” moments were helping me to keep my balance.

A lesson in the POWER OF WORDS!

Most of us want to believe what is convenient for our brains to process.  We like to have everything make sense.  We need to have pat answers to our questions.  So for me that was the answer.  This Journey was my PERSONAL TEST.

It was going to be just as Mel had said, “just means something wonderful and grand and terrific was going to happen once I pulled through” I was going to come back bigger, better and stronger.

Of course that answer was convenient for the front of my brain, but in the back, I was still going around and around with those old thoughts.

What Was My Purpose? & How did this happen?

Then something happened, as if through divine intervention.  One morning I put on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, and her guest was Amy Purdy.  Didn’t know who she was, never heard of her.  Then WAM, BAM, Thank you MAM.  This is her story.

Both of her legs had been amputated at 19.  OKAY everybody!  Not just that, but during surgery she died and was brought back to life.  REALLY PEOPLE?

 Then she made a DECISION.

She has artificial legs, goes snow boarding, was on Dancing with the Stars and lives a full life.  No pity, no whining.  Made her decision and moved on.  Did some visualization, set goals, did her rehab, worked hard, wrote a book , “On My Own two Feet”.  Then she started a foundation for people like herself and gives talks all over the world.  Whew!!!

Are You Kidding Fonseca?

 Does that give you a clue about a “PURPOSE in life”?  I mean just because you identify your PURPOSE, doesn’t mean there aren’t suppose to be any obstacles along the way.  HELLO!

 In that instant, I made a DECISION too, I was going to help other people who were less fortunate than myself, fighting the same battle I was having.  I hadn’t figured out HOW yet, but I knew that was what I was going to do.lightbulb image

Ping, ping, ping,lightbulb imagelightbulb image

Light bulbs were popping all over the place.

Stay tuned…….


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