In the interest of possibly saving lives, this post is a HEALTH WARNING!!

I need to share one of the biggest Life’s lessons I’ve learned on this bizarre Journey of mine, and it’s this. 

Somewhere in the back of my mind, as a child I remember hearing this saying.

“That which you don’t hear, you will see. 

That which you don’t see, you will feel.”

 “You might not HEAR the train coming, you may not SEE the train coming, however, when the train hits, you will definitely FEEL it!”

So this is the health warning.  Pay attention to your body so you can hear and see any warnings BEFORE the train hits.

In the midst of all you do; job, home, family, friends, social life, and any and all other obligations, do all of those things “AFTER” you take care of your health!


When you get the early warnings from your body about a health issue, don’t wait for a second, third and fourth THUMP on the head or for the train to HIT you.

“Take care of your body and it will take care of you.”

In a previous post I explained my little speed bump visit to the ER.  Well one month later, here I was again, labored breathing, tired all the time and I couldn’t climb the stairs without needing oxygen. 

But I had been to the hospital the month before and they couldn’t find anything, so I figured it must just be my weight.  And yet I knew something was wrong because I kept hearing a faint “train whistle” in the back of my head.

Well, all of a sudden, I started to actually “see” the train coming down that track, and I knew I HAD to get to the hospital quickly.  I realized this could possibly be my last



This second emergency visit was a little bit different than the first.

This visit lasted 3 days.

Okay, okay, I’ll tell you what they found!  Are you ready?

I still can’t believe it.  I was told numerous times how lucky I was.  Every doctor, nurse, technician, housekeeping staff and even other patients told me a million times how BLESSED, LUCKY and FORTUNATE I was to be alive.

“Somebody wanted you here because your work is not done.”

Those are their words not mine.

So I’m thinking, my work here is about motivating, inspiring, encouraging, and mentoring people to live their BEST LIFE NOW!  I’m here because I still have a job to do.  So I can’t repeat this enough.


Make a list of everything that makes you over the moon happy.  All the things you enjoy doing, all the things that make your heart skip a beat.  Then turn that “thing” into your PURPOSE.  Whatever that Purpose is, let it become your life’s work and I will bet you you’ll never be happier.

Don’t make it about the money, because we all know all of the stories about having all the riches of life and still feeling miserably unfulfilled.

Just make the list and elaborate from there.  Not telling you to give up your day job, just put some of those Day Dreams down on a little piece of paper & go for it.

During my 3 day stay in the hospital, I decided to double down on spreading my DAISY LIST message to my readers all around the World.  So take heed, Life is only about right now, not tomorrow, not next week, or next month or next year. 

DO IT NOW, but remember Living the Dream takes good health, so tend to that first each and every day.

In the meantime we have decided to enhance the Blog with sites that will help you manifest those DREAMS, so stay tuned for exciting new things to come.


5 Replies to “I “HEAR” A TRAIN WHISTLE?”

  1. Thank you so much for your insightful messages. There are many souls who need to get on track and I’m going to start with myself. Keep the faith and keep writing!

  2. Wow, thank God for the blessing of life!
    Keep on keeping on that is your gift to all of us!
    God Bless ❤️

  3. Wow Wow Wow Wow…… lots of great reading in that message. And i will always be aware of that train whistle

  4. So glad you listened and went to the hospital. Very inspiring message. Sending a big hug. Love you.

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