Site icon Daisy List is the Greatest Bucket List Ever!


Hello Daisy List Readers,

Okay, it’s a given, 

Getting what you want in Life can be HARD work! 

But, it’s no more difficult than the ENERGY you use to deal with all the unnecessary DRAMA currently in your life.

 The only difference between what’s in your current life now and your

Best Life, is what you Focus on. 

First of all, you have to have a DREAM.  If you don’t, you can’t get there.

The answer is YES, you do, you just don’t believe in them yet!

But they won’t manifest if you don’t believe in them.

The most direct path to your Best Life Now” begins with a DREAM.

In order to articulate your DREAM you have to answer the 3 basic questions.

That’s the whole Journey folks!



A universal classic tragedy, is people spending their whole life pursuing a Dream based on how “other” people have defined that Dream for them.   

Parents, friends, relatives, spouses, employers, and every single advertiser out there wants to tell you; 

Who you are, What you want and What your passion “should” be.

 Can you believe that?

 We carry this baggage around for so long, it starts to feel natural.  Our beliefs become so “externally programmed”, we believe we want what others have told us we want. 


 Define your “core self” and locate your “internal compass”. 

For the most part, what you’re experiencing in your life  “this very minute” is based on 5 primary things.

#5 is the key to your Best Life Now! 

To some degree, based on your beliefs right now, you:

 Because if you honestly believed you deserved more, you’d go after it and the Universe would conspire to help you get it!

Be aware of what your beliefs are attracting into your life! 

Don’t focus on where you want to go.  Instead give the Universe a chance to guide you on where you need to be.

Discovering WHO YOU ARE, and what’s at your CORE,

is the first step toward your


 Hook your Dream to 2019 and live your


DDIF POST 2019-02


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