Site icon Daisy List is the Greatest Bucket List Ever!


“Somebody should tell us right at the start of our lives, that we are dying.  Then maybe we might live life to the limit every minute of every day.  Do it I say.  Whatever you want to do, do it NOW!  There are only so many tomorrows.”

                                                                                                                                                                     Pope Paul VI

We’re all hostage to this thing called aging, we think of life in terms of age, we feel invincible at 20, at the age 30 we pay a little more attention.  By 40 we’re not sure whether to look backwards or forward.  By 50 we start seriously assessing things, and by 60 we start talking about how late it is to do “this and that.”  By 70 we start to really feel this Urgency of Life.  Better hurry up and do “this or that.”

Why can’t we just do the opposite? 

Flip everything, reverse aging.

Change your bucket list to a DAISY “bucket” LIST

Do all those DREAM things RIGHT now.

I guess what I’m saying is put your Bucket List in reverse,

and start over with a LIST that says:


Look at life with the URGENCY of a 20 year old, when we have the energy, and health and probably the potential income to accomplish far more than we can at 70.  That way the closer we get to the state of declining health, finances and energy we could legitimately start to scale down instead of trying to ramp everything up. 

Set your goals, DREAM BIG, make plans, invest in all the things that feed your Passion and your Soul.  If you’re watching television more than 1 hour a day, you’re not seriously working on your DAISY LIST

Why do we spend precious, precious, hours watching nonsense on television instead of investing in our own reality show?

It boggles the mind.  We become so engrossed and obsessed about certain fictional characters falling in Love, chasing their DREAMS, wearing beautiful clothes, what kind of hair-do they have, the cars they’re driving, the suits they’re wearing, what cream they use for pimples. 

We obsess about all the things they’re doing, when they’re doing the very things we should be doing ourselves.  I want to challenge all of my readers, take a minute and figure out how you can replace just 1 hour of TV with something that will get you closer to “YOUR” DREAM LIFE.

Doesn’t matter how you use that hour, just make a list of things that will put you on YOUR path.  I mean if you’re watching tv to relax, think how relaxed you’ll feel with incremental goals toward your DREAMS.

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