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“All” great ART, achievement, technology, medical miracles, and yes, even social Movements, you name it, they all started as DREAMS in one form or another.

I think Martin Luther King said it best!


The force of that DREAM has commanded attention and action for decades and is still burning bright, because DREAMS NEVER DIE!

Many times, DREAMS appear when we’re asleep.  However, some of us have that ability to DREAM while awake.  I’m one of those people, because I’m ALWAYS DREAMING.

I use to think that was an insult, “Oh, Diane you’re such a DREAMER”.  Now, I know better.  It happens to be one of my greatest gifts.

DREAMS start like tiny little fire flies in our minds and they flicker on and off until one day a light bulb comes on.  It can be a negative or positive situation that shines the light brightly on what we have to do. 

It could be an answer to a puzzle, a revelation about something you’ve been thinking about for months, a solution to a problem, a new idea, an impulse to create a great work of ART.  Doesn’t matter, but all of a sudden, it’s clear, and you know the path you need to take.

 DREAMS give us the passion to knock down doors, and embrace things you never thought possible.  Write it down, give it breath and energy, and passion and watch it grow.

You have to “believe it first, then see it, then feel it!”

DREAMS are the parents of all invention.  Once they start to unfold, all they require is a little passion and energy, so we can create and invent.

The best part of it all, DREAMS are free.  No deposit, no money down, no monthly charges.  If we pay attention to the right ones, they can bring us untold success.

Make your DREAMS one of the strongest forces in your life, make it a priority.  Eat, sleep and drink it all day every day.  Then put that force and energy behind it and you will see how quickly things will change in your life.  Just thinking about that journey will take you to places you NEVER knew existed.

Along with telling my story on this BLOG, I’m also trying to open my readers eyes to the fact that Life is so much richer with the full disclosure of all of our DREAMS.

DREAMS take us down paths we never even knew were there, and never would have dared to travel on our own initiative. 

Let your DREAMS RULE” and watch your life unfold!

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