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Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the BIG things


Hello friends and family,

 Well now that I’ve eliminated that original mind numbing excruciating ARTHRITIS pain with my CBD gummies, I’m now moving on to getting rid of the early morning stiffness. 

 A lot of what I say next might sound weird, but hey, take ONLY the information you need or want.  Leave the rest for those that want it.

 Recently I started thinking about all the tiny things that I felt might instigate an arthritis flare up. 

 A number of years back, I mentioned to my mother something about my knee giving me a little bit of trouble going up and down the stairs. 

 She told me it was arthritis and to get use to it, because EVERYONE had some sort of arthritis and there was no cure.  My mother is a tough cookie.  She was raised on a REAL farm and spent most of her free and retirement years, from sun up till sun down, on her knees in her beautiful gardens around our home.  I’m sure she knew plenty about ARTHRITIS.

 I, on the other hand, spent most of my adult years working in an office for one corporation or another, and of course I had heard the word arthritis but had no clue what it was.

 Then I met a scientist working for Johnson and Johnson.  His specialty or department dealt with bone cadavers.  When I mentioned my knee problem, he gave me such impassioned advice, I thought I better listen to this guy.

He recommended, no he demanded, I go straight to COSTCO and get a bottle of the supplement Glucosamine with Chondroitin and start taking it EVERY DAY!  I hate to say how long ago this was.  He was so determined, he insisted I borrow his precious reference book about bones and arthritis.  That book was so way above my pay grade.  He was so adamant about my taking the supplement, he kept after me for a few years. 

 I had to commit to him that I would definitely do what he said, and I did, I took Glucosamine with Chondroitin for years, and guess what, my JOINT PROBLEMS WENT AWAY.

 For some reason, somewhere along the line, I stopped taking it.  Guess what, JOINT PROBLEMS CAME BACK BIG TIME.

 Fast forward, since my visit from Mr. Arthur, I’m back on them.  I’m sure what ever damage Glucosamine would have prevented all those years has already been done.  However, now that I’m back on them, I think maybe they’re doing their job even now, helping to repair my joints.  At least in my head they are working, so even that alone gives me some relief. 

 Now I know my friend wasn’t just a MAD SCIENTIST, he knew what he was talking about.  Today, millions of people take Glucosamine with chondroitin with excellent results.

 The tiny things in Life!

Just sharing, try them!

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