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I Don’t Live Here Anymore

Hey, wonderful readers of DAISY LIST! 🌼✨ Today, I’m sharing a heartfelt journey as I bid adieu to my mother’s cherished house. Join me as we navigate through a whirlwind of emotions and exciting new beginnings! 🏡💖

After months of decluttering and cleaning, the time came for a final solo walk-through. Surprisingly, the exhaustion didn’t dampen my spirits. Throughout my moves, sentimentality never clung to me; it was always about stepping into something better.

Even though my twenties marked the last time I called the family home mine, the emotions hit hard as I turned that key one last time. While it was my mother’s haven and I always held a special place for it, I found genuine excitement about returning to my cozy spot in New Jersey. 😊 The mix of emotions lingered as I walked to my car, attempting to hold back tears – who wants to cry on the way to a closing?

As a seeker of signs, I turned that key and felt a sudden shake. In the car, I had a heart-to-heart with the heavens, and guess what played on the radio? “Tell Your Heart to Beat Again” by Danny Gokey. 🎶 The lyrics hit me – “Yesterday is a closing door, you don’t live here anymore.” Divine timing, right? A sign to move on, with “beautiful, wonderful” things waiting ahead.

Back in New Jersey, TAZ’s return cast shadows on those envisioned wonders. Doubts crept in, but then the song’s message echoed in my mind: “TELL YOUR HEART TO BEAT AGAIN.” 🌟 Faith surged, and I jumped back into fighting mode, donning my DAISY LIST SHIRT – energized, motivated, and inspired.

On the Daisy List Blog, I spilled the beans on all those “beautiful and wonderful” places, things, and adventures ahead. 🗺️ One of the first on my DAISY LIST? A River Cruise next summer. Can’t wait! Plans are in motion NOW!

As the wise LAO TZU said, “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” Here’s to embracing the next chapter with open arms! 🌈💖 #DaisyListAdventures #NewBeginnings #HeartwarmingJourney

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