Site icon Daisy List is the Greatest Bucket List Ever!


Daisy List was recently spotted, on the Ocean City BOARDWALK

Guess who took Daisy List on another trip.  It’s our busiest Ambassadors, Carol and Willie Copeland.  If you follow the Blog, you will remember them from their Hawaii trip which we wrote about on our Aloha post.

Every year Carol and Willie head down to Ocean City, Maryland for a summer vacation, with various members of their family.  This year, Carol’s brother Irvin Webb joined them.

As you may know, OC is known for its crabs.  I happen to know Carol and family indulge quite a bit in the many crab feasts, as is evidenced by the pics below.  Just watching them eat all those crabs makes my mouth water.  I want to get in my car and drive down there this minute.

Carol has assured me that they don’t JUST eat crabs, they also take walks on the Boardwalk, ride bikes, shop, enjoy the sites, spend time on the beach, visit old friends and just have a general all round good time.  Of course in between all that, I’m sure they eat crabs, crabs, and more crabs.

Looks like everyone is ready to head out for the day in their Daisy List finery!

I used up a lot of energy on the Boardwalk and shopping today, so now it’s time to enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

These crabs are so delicious, and I just never get sick of them!  Can’t get these back home you know!

“Time for us to take a little bike ride, so beautiful riding on the Boardwalk with an ocean breeze and all.”

“I vacation all over the world, but nothing like a crab feast on the Boardwalk in

Ocean City with family to make a vacation GREAT!

So Grateful!”

WOW, this one is definitely my favorite.  Are you guys eating crab or is that crab  going to eat both of you with one swing.

In closing, I have to say Daisy List is doing a much better job of finding its way around the

World than I am.  I’m going to have to change that.  OCEAN CITY here I come.  Stay tuned!

I’m sure there is something there for everyone, but let’s be clear, I’m going for the crab!!!

And by the way, if you happen to have a DAISY LIST sighting, please take a picture and send it to us.

We’re starting a tracking chart on a World map and we’d LOVE to know all the places

DAISY LIST has been.

Thank You!

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